pair sqrt(explicit pair z) { return sqrt(abs(z))*expi(angle(z,false)/2); } struct laguer { pair x; int its; } real EPS=10*realEpsilon; laguer laguer(pair[] a, int m=a.length-1, pair x) {/* Given the degree 'm' and 'm+1' complex coefficients a[0...m] of polynomial sum(a[i]*x^i), and given a complex value "x", this routine improves 'x' by Laguerre's method until it converges to a root of the given polynomial. The value of x found and the number of iterations taken is returned as 'laguer' structure. Adapted from */ static real MR=8, MT=10, MAXIT=MT*MR; int its; laguer ol; real[] ret; int iter,j; real abx,abp,abm,err; pair dx,x1,b,d,f,g,h,sq,gp,gm,g2,ox=x; static real[] frac={0, 0.5, 0.25, 0.75, 0.13, 0.38, 0.62, 0.88, 1}; laguer ret(){ ol.x=x; ol.its=its; return ol; } for (iter=1; iter <= MAXIT ; ++iter) { its=iter; b=a[m]; err=abs(b); d=(0,0); f=d; abx=abs(x); for (int j=m-1; j >=0 ; --j) { f=x*f+d; d=x*d+b; b=x*b+a[j]; err=abs(b)+abx*err; } err *= EPS; if(abs(b) <= err) return ret(); g=d/b; g2=g^2; h=g2-2*f/b; sq=sqrt((m-1)*(m*h-g2)); gp=g+sq; gm=g-sq; abp=abs(gp); abm=abs(gm); if(abp < abm) gp=gm; dx=(max(abp,abm) > 0.0) ? (m,0)/gp : (1+abx)*(cos(iter),sin(iter)); x1=x-dx; if(x.x == x1.x && x.y == x1.y) return ret(); if(iter%MT == 0) x=x1; else x=x-frac[floor(iter/MT)]*dx; } abort("Too many iteration in laguer."); return ret(); } pair[] zroots(pair[] a, bool polish=true) {/* Given the complex coefficients a[0...m] of the polynomial sum(a[i]*x^i), this routine returns all the complex roots by Laguer's method. If 'polish' is true, the roots are polished (also by Laguer's method'); Adapted from */ laguer L; int m=a.length-1,its=L.its; pair[] ad=copy(a); pair x=L.x,b,c; pair[] roots; for (int j=m; j >= 1 ; --j) { x=(0,0); L=laguer(ad,j,L.x); x=L.x; its=L.its; if(abs(x.y) <= 2*EPS*abs(x.x)) x=(x.x,0); roots[j-1]=x; b=ad[j]; for (int k=j-1; k >= 0 ; --k) { c=ad[k]; ad[k]=b; b=x*b+c; } } if(polish) { for (int j=0; j < m ; ++j) { L.x=roots[j]; L.its=its; L=laguer(a,L.x); roots[j]=L.x; its=L.its; } } for (int j=0; j < m ; ++j) { pair x=roots[j]; int i; for (i=j-1; i >= 0 ; --i) { if(roots[i].y == 0) break; roots[i+1]=roots[i]; } roots[i+1]=x; } return roots; } real sgn(real a, real b) { return (b == 0) ? abs(a): sgn(b)*abs(a); } void hqr(real[][] a, int n, real[] wr=new real[]{}, real[] wi= new real[]{}) {/* Finds all eigenvalues of an upper Hessenberg matrix a[1...n][1..n]. The real and imaginary parts of eigenvalues are returned in wr[1...n] and wi[1...n], respectively. Adapted from */ int nn,m,l,k,j,its,i,mmin; real z,y,x,w,v,u,t,s,r,q,p,anorm=0; for (i=1; i <= n ; ++i) for (j=max(i-1,1); j <= n ; ++j) anorm += abs(a[i][j]); nn=n;t=0; while(nn >= 1) { its=0; do { for (l=nn; l >= 2 ; --l) { s=abs(a[l-1][l-1])+abs(a[l][l]); if(s == 0) s=anorm; if(abs(a[l][l-1])+s == s) { a[l][l-1]=0; break; } } x=a[nn][nn]; if(l == nn) { wr[nn]=x+t; wi[--nn]=0; } else { y=a[nn-1][nn-1]; w=a[nn][nn-1]*a[nn-1][nn]; if(l == (nn-1)) { p=0.5*(y-x); q=p^2+w; z=sqrt(abs(q)); x += t; if(q >= 0) { z=p+sgn(z,p); wr[nn-1]=wr[nn]=x+z; if(z != 0) wr[nn]=x-w/z; wi[nn-1]=wi[nn]=0; } else { wr[nn-1]=wr[nn]=x+p; wi[nn-1]=-(wi[nn]=z); } nn -= 2; } else { if(its == 30) abort("Too many iterations in hqr..."); if(its == 10 || its == 20) { t += x; for(i=1; i <= nn; ++i) a[i][i] -= x; s=abs(a[nn][nn-1])+abs(a[nn-1][nn-2]); y=x=0.75*s; w= -0.4375*s^2; } ++its; for (m=nn-2; m >= l; --m ) { z=a[m][m]; r=x-z; s=y-z; p=(r*s-w)/a[m+1][m]+a[m][m+1]; q=a[m+1][m+1]-z-r-s; r=a[m+2][m+1]; s=abs(p)+abs(q)+abs(r); p /= s; q /= s; r /= s; if(m == 1) break; u=abs(a[m][m-1])*(abs(q)+abs(r)); v=abs(p)*(abs(a[m-1][m-1])+abs(z)+abs(a[m+1][m+1])); if(u+v == v) break; } for (i=m+2; i <= nn; ++i) { a[i][i-2]=0; if(i != m+2) a[i][i-3]=0; } for (k=m; k <= nn-1; ++k) { if(k != m) { p=a[k][k-1]; q=a[k+1][k-1]; r=0; if(k != nn-1) r=a[k+2][k-1]; if((x=abs(p)+abs(q)+abs(r)) != 0) { p /= x; q /= x; r /=x; } } if((s=sgn(sqrt(p^2+q^2+r^2),p)) != 0) { if(k == m) { if(l != m) a[k][k-1]=-a[k][k-1]; } else a[k][k-1]=-s*x; p += s; x=p/s; y=q/s; z=r/s; q /= p; r /= p; for (j=k; j <= nn; ++j) { p=a[k][j]+q*a[k+1][j]; if(k != nn-1) { p += r*a[k+2][j]; a[k+2][j] -= p*z; } a[k+1][j] -= p*y; a[k][j] -= p*x; } mmin=nn < k+3 ? nn : k+3; for (i=l; i <= mmin; ++i) { p=x*a[i][k]+y*a[i][k+1]; if(k != nn-1) { p += z*a[i][k+2]; a[i][k+2] -= p*r; } a[i][k+1] -= p*q; a[i][k] -= p; } } } } } } while(1 < nn-1); } } real RADIX=8; void balanc(real[][] a, int n=a[0].length) {/* Given a matrix 'a[1...n][1..n]', this routine replaces it by a balanced matrix with identical eigenvalues. A symmetric matrix is already balanced and is unaffected by this procedure. The variable RADIX should be the machine's floating-point radix. Adapted from */ int last=0, j, i; real s, r, g, f, c, sqrdx=RADIX^2; while(last == 0) { last=1; for (i=1; i <= n; ++i) { r=c=0; for (j=1; j <= n; ++j) if(j != i) { c += abs(a[j][i]); r += abs(a[i][j]); } if(c != 0 && r != 0) { g=r/RADIX; f=1; s=c+r; while(c < g) { f *= RADIX; c *= sqrdx; } g=r*RADIX; while(c > g) { f /= RADIX; c /= sqrdx; } if((c+r)/f < 0.95*s) { last=0; g=1/f; for (j=1; j <= n; ++j) a[i][j] *= g; for (j=1; j <= n; ++j) a[j][i] *= j; } } } } } pair[] zroots(real[] a, bool polish=true) {/* Return all the roots of a polynomial with real coefficients, sum(a[i]x^i). The method is to construct an upper Hessenberg matrix whose eigenvalues are the desired roots, and the use the routine 'balanc' and 'hqr'. If polish is true, root-polishing by Newton-Raphson's method is applied. Adapted from */ int m=a.length-1; int j,k; real[][] hess=new real[m+1][m+1]; real[] rtr=sequence(new real(int n){return 0;},m+1), rti=sequence(new real(int n){return 0;},m+1); real xr,xi; if(a[m] == 0) abort("Bad args in zroots."); for (k=1; k <= m; ++k) { hess[1][k]=-a[m-k]/a[m]; for(j=2; j <= m; ++j) hess[j][k]=0; if(k != m) hess[k+1][k]=1; } balanc(hess,m); hqr(hess,m,rtr,rti); for (j=2; j <= m; ++j) { xr=rtr[j]; xi=rti[j]; for (k=j-1; k >= 1; --k) { if(rtr[k] <= xr) break; rtr[k+1]=rtr[k]; rti[k+1]=rti[k]; } rtr[k+1]=xr; rti[k+1]=xi; } pair[] roots=sequence(new pair(int n){return (rtr[n],rti[n]);},m+1); roots.delete(0); return roots; }