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# vim:fileencoding=utf-8:ft=conf:foldmethod=marker
#: OS specific tweaks {{{
macos_titlebar_color system
#: Change the color of the kitty window's titlebar on macOS. A value
#: of system means to use the default system color, a value of
#: background means to use the background color of the currently
#: active window and finally you can use an arbitrary color, such as
#: #12af59 or red. WARNING: This option works by using a hack, as
#: there is no proper Cocoa API for it. It sets the background color
#: of the entire window and makes the titlebar transparent. As such it
#: is incompatible with background_opacity. If you want to use both,
#: you are probably better off just hiding the titlebar with
#: hide_window_decorations.
macos_option_as_alt no
#: Use the option key as an alt key. With this set to no, kitty will
#: use the macOS native Option+Key = unicode character behavior. This
#: will break any Alt+key keyboard shortcuts in your terminal
#: programs, but you can use the macOS unicode input technique. You
#: can use the values: left, right, or both to use only the left,
#: right or both Option keys as Alt, instead.
macos_hide_from_tasks no
#: Hide the kitty window from running tasks (Option+Tab) on macOS.
macos_quit_when_last_window_closed no
#: Have kitty quit when all the top-level windows are closed. By
#: default, kitty will stay running, even with no open windows, as is
#: the expected behavior on macOS.
macos_window_resizable yes
#: Disable this if you want kitty top-level (OS) windows to not be
#: resizable on macOS.
macos_thicken_font 0
#: Draw an extra border around the font with the given width, to
#: increase legibility at small font sizes. For example, a value of
#: 0.75 will result in rendering that looks similar to sub-pixel
#: antialiasing at common font sizes.
macos_traditional_fullscreen no
#: Use the traditional full-screen transition, that is faster, but
#: less pretty.
macos_show_window_title_in all
#: Show or hide the window title in the macOS window or menu-bar. A
#: value of window will show the title of the currently active window
#: at the top of the macOS window. A value of menubar will show the
#: title of the currently active window in the macOS menu-bar, making
#: use of otherwise wasted space. all will show the title everywhere
#: and none hides the title in the window and the menu-bar.
macos_custom_beam_cursor no
#: Enable/disable custom mouse cursor for macOS that is easier to see
#: on both light and dark backgrounds. WARNING: this might make your
#: mouse cursor invisible on dual GPU machines.
linux_display_server auto
#: Choose between Wayland and X11 backends. By default, an appropriate
#: backend based on the system state is chosen automatically. Set it
#: to x11 or wayland to force the choice.
#: }}}