--[[-- File : conf.d/lvim/lua/user/functions.lua Author : Jeff Lance <email@jefflance.me> Date : 28.12.2023 20:13:31 Last Modified Date: 28.12.2023 20:13:31 Last Modified By : Jeff Lance <email@jefflance.me> --]]-- local M = {} --- Get current buffer size ---@return {width: number, height: number} local function get_buf_size() local cbuf = vim.api.nvim_get_current_buf() local bufinfo = vim.tbl_filter(function(buf) return buf.bufnr == cbuf end, vim.fn.getwininfo(vim.api.nvim_get_current_win()))[1] if bufinfo == nil then return { width = -1, height = -1 } end return { width = bufinfo.width, height = bufinfo.height } end --- Get the dynamic terminal size in cells ---@param direction string ---@param size number ---@return integer local function get_dynamic_terminal_size(direction, size) size = size or lvim.builtin.terminal.size if direction ~= "float" and tostring(size):find(".", 1, true) then size = math.min(size, 1.0) local buf_sizes = get_buf_size() local buf_size = direction == "horizontal" and buf_sizes.height or buf_sizes.width return buf_size * size else return size end end M.xplr_toggle = function() local Terminal = require("toggleterm.terminal").Terminal local direction = "float" local xplr = Terminal:new { cmd = "ranger", hidden = true, direction = direction, -- size = 20 | function() -- return get_dynamic_terminal_size("float", 0.8) -- end, float_opts = { border = "curved", }, on_open = function(_) vim.cmd "startinsert!" end, on_close = function(_) end, count = 200, } xplr:toggle() end return M