#!/usr/bin/env bash # common.lib # # Common libray for local scripts # # CONSTANT VARIABLES RESET=$(tput sgr0) F_BOLD=$(tput bold) F_UNDL=$(tput sgr 0 1) C_BLK=$(tput setaf 0) C_RED=$(tput setaf 1) C_GRE=$(tput setaf 2) C_YEL=$(tput setaf 3) C_BLU=$(tput setaf 4) C_MAG=$(tput setaf 5) C_CYA=$(tput setaf 6) C_WHI=$(tput setaf 7) # common errors will cause the script to # immediately fail, explicitly and loudly. set -euxo pipefail # function used to display colored message cecho () { declare -A colors; declare -A formats; colors=(\ ['black']=$(tput setaf 0)\ ['red']=$(tput setaf 1)\ ['green']=$(tput setaf 2)\ ['yellow']=$(tput setaf 3)\ ['blue']=$(tput setaf 4)\ ['magenta']=$(tput setaf 5)\ ['cyan']=$(tput setaf 6)\ ['white']=$(tput setaf 7)\ ); formats=(\ ['default']=$(tput sgr0)\ ['inverse']=$(tput smso)\ ['bold']=$(tput bold)\ ); local defaultMSG="No message passed."; local defaultColor="white"; local defaultFormat="default"; local defaultNewLine=true; while [[ $# -gt 1 ]]; do key="$1"; case $key in -c|--color) color="$2"; shift; ;; -f|--format) format="$2"; shift; ;; -n|--noline) newLine=false; ;; *) # unknown option ;; esac shift; done color=${color:-$defaultColor}; # Defaults to default color, if not specified. format=${format:-$defaultFormat}; # Defaults to default color, if not specified. newLine=${newLine:-$defaultNewLine}; message=${1:-$defaultMSG}; # Defaults to default message. echo -en "${formats[$format]}${colors[$color]}"; echo -en "$message"; if [ "$newLine" = true ] ; then echo; fi tput sgr0; # Reset text attributes to normal without clearing screen. return; } info1() { cecho -c 'blue' -f 'bold' "$@"; } info2() { cecho -c 'cyan' -f 'bold' "$@"; } success() { cecho -c 'green' "$@"; } error() { cecho -c 'red' -f 'bold' "$@"; } warning() { cecho -c 'yellow' "$@"; } # vim: set filetype=bash :