--[[-- File : .config/lvim/luasnippets/tex.lua Author : Jeff Lance <email@jefflance.me> Date : 05.08.2023 00:54:18 Last Modified Date: 06.08.2023 12:55:15 Last Modified By : Jeff Lance <email@jefflance.me> --]] -- -- -- Helpers functions -- local line_begin = require("luasnip.extras.expand_conditions").line_begin local in_mathzone = function() -- The `in_mathzone` function requires the VimTeX plugin return vim.fn['vimtex#syntax#in_mathzone']() == 1 end local in_text = function() return not in_mathzone() end -- -- Snippets -- return { -- -- text commands -- s({ trig = "#", dscr = "Partie"}, fmta( [[ \partie{<>} ]], { i(1), } ), { condition = line_begin } ), s({ trig = "##", dscr = "Sous-partie"}, fmta( [[ \sspartie{<>} ]], { i(1), } ), { condition = line_begin } ), s({ trig = "###", dscr = "Sous-sous-partie"}, fmta( [[ \ssspartie{<>} ]], { i(1), } ), { condition = line_begin } ), -- -- maths commands -- s({ trig = "lim", dscr = "Limit" }, fmta( [[ $ \lim\limits_{ <> } <> $ ]], { i(1), i(2), } ), {condition = in_text} ), s({ trig = "xto", dscr = "Limit" }, fmta( [[ x \to <> ]], { i(1), } ) ), s({ trig = "stack", dscr = "Limit" }, fmta( [[ \substack{ <> \\ <> } ]], { i(1), i(2), } ) ), -- -- sets -- s({ trig = '([^%w])R', regTrig = true, wordTrig = false, dscr = "Set R" }, fmta( [[ \mathbb{R} ]], { } ), { condition = in_mathzone } ), -- s({ trig = '([^%w])R', regTrig = true, wordTrig = false, dscr = "Set R" }, -- fmta( -- [[ -- $ \mathbb{R} $ -- ]], -- { -- } -- ), -- { condition = in_text } -- ), -- -- environments -- s({ trig = "table", dscr = "My LaTeX table environment" }, fmta( [[ \begin{tabular}{c|c} \hline \rule[-1ex]{0pt}{2.5ex} <> & <> \\ \hline \end{tabular} ]], { i(1), i(2), } ) ), s({ trig = "env", dscr = "A LaTeX empty environment" }, fmt( [[ \begin{<>}[<>] <> \end{<>} ]], -- The insert node is placed in the <> angle brackets { i(1), i(2), i(3), rep(1), -- This node repeat insert node 1 }, -- This is where I specify that angle brackets are used as node positions. { delimiters = "<>" } ) ), s({ trig = "def", dscr = "My LaTeX class definition environment" }, fmt( [[ \begin{definition}[<>] <> \end{definition} ]], -- The insert node is placed in the <> angle brackets { i(1), i(2) }, -- This is where I specify that angle brackets are used as node positions. { delimiters = "<>" } ) ), s({ trig = "ppt", dscr = "My LaTeX class property environment" }, fmt( [[ \begin{propriete}[<>] <> \end{propriete} ]], { i(1), i(2) }, { delimiters = "<>" } ) ), s({ trig = "cor", dscr = "My LaTeX class corollair environment" }, fmt( [[ \begin{corollaire}[<>] <> \end{corollaire} ]], { i(1), i(2) }, { delimiters = "<>" } ) ), s({ trig = "thm", dscr = "My LaTeX class theorem environment" }, fmt( [[ \begin{theoreme}[<>] <> \end{theoreme} ]], { i(1), i(2) }, { delimiters = "<>" } ) ), s({ trig = "dem", dscr = "My LaTeX class proof environment" }, fmt( [[ \begin{preuve}[<>] <> \end{preuve} ]], { i(1), i(2) }, { delimiters = "<>" } ) ), s({ trig = "csq", dscr = "My LaTeX class consequence environment" }, fmt( [[ \begin{consequence}[<>] <> \end{consequence} ]], { i(1), i(2) }, { delimiters = "<>" } ) ), s({ trig = "rem", dscr = "My LaTeX class remark environment" }, fmt( [[ \begin{remarque}[<>] <> \end{remarque} ]], { i(1), i(2) }, { delimiters = "<>" } ) ), s({ trig = "exp", dscr = "My LaTeX class example environment" }, fmt( [[ \begin{exemple}[<>] <> \end{exemple} ]], { i(1), i(2) }, { delimiters = "<>" } ) ), s({ trig = "met", dscr = "My LaTeX class method environment" }, fmt( [[ \begin{methode}[<>] <> \end{methode} ]], { i(1), i(2) }, { delimiters = "<>" } ) ), s({ trig = "app", dscr = "My LaTeX class application environment" }, fmt( [[ \begin{application}[<>] <> \end{application} ]], { i(1), i(2) }, { delimiters = "<>" } ) ), s({ trig = "exe", dscr = "My LaTeX class exercise environment" }, fmt( [[ \begin{exercice}[<>] <> \end{exercice} ]], { i(1), i(2) }, { delimiters = "<>" } ) ), s({ trig = "rap", dscr = "My LaTeX class recall environment" }, fmt( [[ \begin{rappel}[<>] <> \end{rappel} ]], { i(1), i(2) }, { delimiters = "<>" } ) ), s({ trig = "aid", dscr = "My LaTeX class help environment" }, fmt( [[ \begin{aide}[<>] <> \end{aide} ]], { i(1), i(2) }, { delimiters = "<>" } ) ), }