update i3 config

This commit is contained in:
Jeff Lance 2023-04-25 12:22:56 +02:00
parent 0219e64f11
commit 3c17c99358

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@ -255,24 +255,24 @@ bindsym $mod+r mode "resize"
# Start i3bar to display a workspace bar (plus the system information i3status # Start i3bar to display a workspace bar (plus the system information i3status
# finds out, if available) # finds out, if available)
bar { # bar {
# position top # position top
# output primary # output primary
# tray_output primary # tray_output primary
# separator_symbol ":|:" # separator_symbol ":|:"
# binding_mode_indicator yes # binding_mode_indicator yes
# # i3bar_command i3bar --transparency # # i3bar_command i3bar --transparency
# # status_command i3status # # status_command i3status
# # status_command exec ~/bin/i3bar-sampler # # status_command exec ~/bin/i3bar-sampler
# colors { # colors {
# # background $background # # background $background
# focused_workspace $color2 $color9 $color7 # focused_workspace $color2 $color9 $color7
# active_workspace $color2 $color9 $color7 # active_workspace $color2 $color9 $color7
# inactive_workspace $background $background $color7 # inactive_workspace $background $background $color7
# urgent_workspace $foreground $color3 $color7 # urgent_workspace $foreground $color3 $color7
# binding_mode $foreground $background $color7 # binding_mode $foreground $background $color7
# } # }
} # }
workspace 1 output primary workspace 1 output primary
bindsym $mod+x move workspace to output primary bindsym $mod+x move workspace to output primary