tlf2a 2 3 6 -1 15 0 0 0 =============================================================================== This is smbraille.tlf", or “Small Braille”, by Sam Hocevar <>. It was created on September 30th, 2006. This font is free software. It comes without any warranty, to the extent permitted by applicable law. You can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the Do What The Fuck You Want To Public License, Version 2, as published by Sam Hocevar. See for more details. Missing characters: # $ % & * + , : ; < > ? This font is part of TOIlet’s official distribution. More information on the TOIlet website at =============================================================================== @ @@ ⡇! ⠅!! ⠃⠃" "" @ #@@ @ $@@ @ %@@ @ &@@ ⠃' '' ⡔⠁( ⠣⡀(( ⠈⢢) ⢀⠜)) @ *@@ @ +@@ @ ,@@ - ⠉⠉-- . ⠶.. ⡜/ ⠎ // ⣎⣵0 ⠫⠜00 ⢺ 1 ⠼⠄11 ⠊⡱2 ⠮⠤22 ⢉⡹3 ⠤⠜33 ⢇⣸4 ⠸44 ⣏⡉5 ⠤⠜55 ⣎⡁8 ⠣⠜88 ⠉⡹7 ⠸ 77 ⢎⡱8 ⠣⠜88 ⢎⣱9 ⠠⠜99 @ :@@ @ ;@@ @ <@@ ⣀⣀= ⠒⠒== @ >@@ @ ?@@ ⣎⣱@ ⠫⠥@@ ⣎⣱A ⠇⠸AA ⣏⡱B ⠧⠜BB ⡎⠑C ⠣⠔CC ⡏⢱D ⠧⠜DD ⣏⡉E ⠧⠤EE ⣏⡉F ⠇ FF ⡎⠑G ⠣⠝GG ⣇⣸H ⠇⠸HH ⡇I ⠇II ⠈⢹J ⠣⠜JJ ⣇⠜K ⠇⠱KK ⡇ L ⠧⠤LL ⡷⢾M ⠇⠸MM ⡷⣸N ⠇⠹NN ⡎⢱O ⠣⠜OO ⣏⡱P ⠇ PP ⡎⢱Q ⠣⠪QQ ⣏⡱R ⠇⠱RR ⢎⡑S ⠢⠜SS ⢹⠁T ⠸ TT ⡇⢸U ⠣⠜UU ⡇⢸V ⠸⠃VV ⡇⢸W ⠟⠻WW ⢇⡸X ⠇⠸XX ⢇⢸Y ⠇YY ⢉⠝Z ⠮⠤ZZ ⡏[ ⣇[[ ⢣ \ ⠱\\ ⢹] ⣸]] ⠊⠂^ ^^ _ ⠤⠤__ ⠑` `` ⢀⣀a ⠣⠼aa ⣇⡀b ⠧⠜bb ⢀⣀c ⠣⠤cc ⢀⣸d ⠣⠼dd ⢀⡀e ⠣⠭ee ⣰⡁f ⢸ ff ⢀⡀g ⣑⡺gg ⣇⡀h ⠇⠸hh ⠄i ⠇ii ⠠j ⡸jj ⡇⡠k ⠏⠢kk ⡇l ⠣ll ⣀⣀ m ⠇⠇⠇mm ⣀⡀n ⠇⠸nn ⢀⡀o ⠣⠜oo ⣀⡀p ⡧⠜pp ⢀⣀q ⠣⢼qq ⡀⣀r ⠏ rr ⢀⣀s ⠭⠕ss ⣰⡀t ⠘⠤tt ⡀⢀u ⠣⠼uu ⡀⢀v ⠱⠃vv ⡀ ⢀w ⠱⠱⠃ww ⡀⢀x ⠜⠣xx ⡀⢀y ⣑⡺yy ⣀⣀z ⠴⠥zz ⡰⠁{ ⠘⠄{{ ⡇| ⠇|| ⠈⢆} ⠠⠃}} ⡠⡠~ ~~ ⣕⣪Ä ⠇⠸ÄÄ ⡕⢪Ö ⠣⠜ÖÖ ⡅⢨Ü ⠣⠜ÜÜ ⢂⣐ä ⠣⠼ää ⢂⡐ö ⠣⠜öö ⡂⢐ü ⠣⠼üü ⡔⡢ß ⡇⠜ßß