# File              : spam
# Author            : Jeff LANCE <email@jefflance.me>
# Date              : 10.02.2015
# Last Modified Date: 04.05.2020
# Last Modified By  : Jeff LANCE <email@jefflance.me>
# $1 = message id

# All directory names relative to mail folder's root
DIR_JUNK="junk"  # Junk directory path
DIR_INBOX="inbox" # Inbox directory path

# Set thread ID and message ID from args

FILE=$(notmuch search --exclude=false --output=files\
       "thread:${TID}" "${MID:+id:$MID}")

# Set junk tag on mails and unset inbox tag
# notmuch tag --remove-all -- "thread:${TID}" "${MID:+id:$MID}"
notmuch tag -inbox +spam -- "thread:${TID}" "${MID:+id:$MID}"

# Set mail as spam in bogofilter database
echo ${FILE} | bogofilter -s

# # if mail is in inbox dir
# if $(echo $FILE | grep -q $DIR_INBOX); then
#   # replace inbox dir with spam dir
#   FILE_NEW=$(echo $FILE | sed "s|$DIR_INBOX/|$DIR_JUNK/|")
#   # move from inbox to spam dir
#   echo "Moving $FILE to $FILE_NEW"
#   mv "$FILE" "$FILE_NEW"
# fi

# Use afew to move junk mail to junk directory
afew --move-mails

exit 0

# vim:ft=sh