2019-12-07 19:16:09 +01:00

363 lines
8.7 KiB
Executable File

#! perl -w
# Author: Bert Muennich
# Website: http://www.github.com/muennich/urxvt-perls
# Based on: http://www.jukie.net/~bart/blog/urxvt-url-yank
# License: GPLv2
# Use keyboard shortcuts to select URLs.
# This should be used as a replacement for the default matcher extension,
# it also makes URLs clickable with the middle mouse button.
# Usage: put the following lines in your .Xdefaults/.Xresources:
# URxvt.perl-ext-common: ...,url-select
# URxvt.keysym.M-u: perl:url-select:select_next
# Use Meta-u to activate URL selection mode, then use the following keys:
# j/k: Select next downward/upward URL (also with arrow keys)
# g/G: Select first/last URL (also with home/end key)
# o/Return: Open selected URL in browser, Return: deactivate afterwards
# y: Copy (yank) selected URL and deactivate selection mode
# q/Escape: Deactivate URL selection mode
# Options:
# URxvt.url-select.autocopy: If true, selected URLs are copied to PRIMARY
# URvxt.url-select.button: Mouse button to click-open URLs (default: 2)
# URxvt.url-select.launcher: Browser/command to open selected URL with
# URxvt.url-select.underline: If set to true, all URLs get underlined
use strict;
sub on_start {
my ($self) = @_;
# read resource settings
if ($self->x_resource('url-select.launcher')) {
@{$self->{browser}} = split /\s+/, $self->x_resource('url-select.launcher');
} else {
@{$self->{browser}} = ('x-www-browser');
if ($self->x_resource('url-select.underline') eq 'true') {
$self->enable(line_update => \&line_update);
if ($self->x_resource('url-select.autocopy') eq 'true') {
$self->{autocopy} = 1;
if ($self->x_resource('url-select.button') =~ /^\d+$/) {
$self->{button} = $self->x_resource('url-select.button');
} elsif ($self->x_resource('matcher.button') =~ /^\d+$/) {
$self->{button} = $self->x_resource('matcher.button');
} else {
$self->{button} = 2;
if ($self->x_resource('matcher.pattern')) {
@{$self->{pattern}} = ($self->x_resource('matcher.pattern'));
} elsif ($self->x_resource('matcher.pattern.1')) {
my $current = 1;
while ($self->x_resource("matcher.pattern.$current")) {
push @{$self->{pattern}}, $self->x_resource("matcher.pattern.$current");
} else {
@{$self->{pattern}} = qr{(
sub line_update {
my ($self, $row) = @_;
my $line = $self->line($row);
return () if($line->{len} > 100000);
my $text = $line->t;
my $rend = $line->r;
for my $pattern (@{$self->{pattern}}) {
while ($text =~ /$pattern/g) {
my $url = $&;
my ($beg, $end) = ($-[1], $+[1] - 1);
--$end if $url =~ /["')]$/;
for (@{$rend}[$beg .. $end]) {
$_ |= urxvt::RS_Uline;
sub on_user_command {
my ($self, $cmd) = @_;
if ($cmd eq 'url-select:select_next') {
if (not $self->{active}) {
select_next($self, -1);
sub key_press {
my ($self, $event, $keysym) = @_;
my $char = chr($keysym);
if ($keysym == 0xff1b || lc($char) eq 'q') {
} elsif ($keysym == 0xff0d || $char eq 'o') {
$self->exec_async(@{$self->{browser}}, ${$self->{found}[$self->{n}]}[4]);
deactivate($self) unless $char eq 'o';
} elsif ($char eq 'y') {
my $found = $self->{found}[$self->{n}];
$self->selection_beg(${$found}[0], ${$found}[1]);
$self->selection_end(${$found}[2], ${$found}[3]);
$self->selection_beg(1, 0);
$self->selection_end(1, 0);
} elsif ($char eq 'k' || $keysym == 0xff52 || $keysym == 0xff51) {
select_next($self, -1, $event);
} elsif ($char eq 'j' || $keysym == 0xff54 || $keysym == 0xff53) {
select_next($self, 1, $event);
} elsif ($char eq 'g' || $keysym == 0xff50) {
$self->{row} = $self->top_row - 1;
delete $self->{found};
select_next($self, 1, $event);
} elsif ($char eq 'G' || $keysym == 0xff57) {
$self->{row} = $self->nrow;
delete $self->{found};
select_next($self, -1, $event);
return 1;
sub on_button_press {
my ($self, $event) = @_;
my $mask = $self->ModLevel3Mask | $self->ModMetaMask |
urxvt::ShiftMask | urxvt::ControlMask;
if ($event->{button} == $self->{button} && ($event->{state} & $mask) == 0) {
$self->{button_pressed} = 1;
$self->{button_col} = $event->{col};
$self->{button_row} = $event->{row};
sub on_button_release {
my ($self, $event) = @_;
if ($self->{button_pressed} && $event->{button} == $self->{button}) {
my $col = $event->{col};
my $row = $event->{row};
$self->{button_pressed} = 0;
if ($col == $self->{button_col} && $row == $self->{button_row}) {
my $line = $self->line($row);
my $text = $line->t;
for my $pattern (@{$self->{pattern}}) {
while ($text =~ /$pattern/g) {
my ($url, $beg, $end) = ($&, $-[0], $+[0]);
--$end if $url =~ s/["')]$//;
if ($col >= $beg && $col <= $end) {
$self->exec_async(@{$self->{browser}}, $url);
return 1;
sub select_next {
# $dir < 0: up, > 0: down
my ($self, $dir, $event) = @_;
my $row = $self->{row};
if (($dir < 0 && $self->{n} > 0) ||
($dir > 0 && $self->{n} < $#{ $self->{found} })) {
# another url on current line
$self->{n} += $dir;
if ($self->{autocopy}) {
my $found = $self->{found}[$self->{n}];
$self->selection_beg(${$found}[0], ${$found}[1]);
$self->selection_end(${$found}[2], ${$found}[3]);
$self->selection_beg(1, 0);
$self->selection_end(1, 0);
while (($dir < 0 && $row > $self->top_row) ||
($dir > 0 && $row < $self->nrow - 1)) {
my $line = $self->line($row);
$row = ($dir < 0 ? $line->beg : $line->end) + $dir;
$line = $self->line($row);
my $text = $line->t;
for my $pattern (@{$self->{pattern}}) {
if ($text =~ /$pattern/g) {
delete $self->{found};
do {
my ($beg, $end) = ($-[0], $+[0]);
--$end if $& =~ /['")]$/;
push @{$self->{found}}, [$line->coord_of($beg),
$line->coord_of($end), substr($text, $beg, $end - $beg)];
} while ($text =~ /$pattern/g);
$self->{row} = $row;
$self->{n} = $dir < 0 ? $#{$self->{found}} : 0;
if ($self->{autocopy}) {
my $found = $self->{found}[$self->{n}];
$self->selection_beg(${$found}[0], ${$found}[1]);
$self->selection_end(${$found}[2], ${$found}[3]);
$self->selection_beg(1, 0);
$self->selection_end(1, 0);
deactivate($self) unless $self->{found};
sub hilight {
my ($self) = @_;
if ($self->{found}) {
if ($self->{row} < $self->view_start() ||
$self->{row} >= $self->view_start() + $self->nrow) {
# scroll selected url into visible area
my $top = $self->{row} - ($self->nrow >> 1);
$self->view_start($top < 0 ? $top : 0);
sub refresh {
my ($self) = @_;
if ($self->{found}) {
$self->scr_xor_span(@{$self->{found}[$self->{n}]}[0 .. 3], urxvt::RS_RVid);
sub status_area {
my ($self) = @_;
my $row = $self->{row} < 0 ?
$self->{row} - $self->top_row : abs($self->top_row) + $self->{row};
my $text = sprintf("%d,%d ", $row + 1, $self->{n} + 1);
if ($self->top_row == 0) {
$text .= "All";
} elsif ($self->view_start() == $self->top_row) {
$text .= "Top";
} elsif ($self->view_start() == 0) {
$text .= "Bot";
} else {
$text .= sprintf("%2d%",
($self->top_row - $self->view_start) * 100 / $self->top_row);
my $text_len = length($text);
if ($self->{overlay_len} != $text_len) {
delete $self->{overlay} if $self->{overlay};
$self->{overlay} = $self->overlay(-1, -1, $text_len, 1,
urxvt::OVERLAY_RSTYLE, 0);
$self->{overlay_len} = $text_len;
$self->{overlay}->set(0, 0, $self->special_encode($text));
sub tt_write {
return 1;
sub activate {
my ($self) = @_;
$self->{active} = 1;
$self->{row} = $self->view_start() + $self->nrow;
$self->{n} = 0;
$self->{overlay_len} = 0;
$self->{button_pressed} = 0;
$self->{view_start} = $self->view_start();
$self->{pty_ev_events} = $self->pty_ev_events(urxvt::EV_NONE);
key_press => \&key_press,
refresh_begin => \&refresh,
refresh_end => \&refresh,
tt_write => \&tt_write,
sub deactivate {
my ($self) = @_;
$self->disable("key_press", "refresh_begin", "refresh_end", "tt_write");
delete $self->{overlay} if $self->{overlay};
delete $self->{found} if $self->{found};
$self->{active} = 0;