2016-03-22 12:49:55 +01:00
%%% Extensions : commun.sty
%%% Version : 1.0
%%% Date : 03/05/15
2016-08-11 18:04:08 +02:00
%%% Version : 2.0
%%% Date : 11/08/16
%%% Mods : Change some packages call to be compatible with LuaLaTeX
2016-03-22 12:49:55 +01:00
%%% Auteur : Jeff LANCE
2017-03-19 16:23:56 +01:00
\ProvidesPackage{commun}[2015/05/03 Ensembles d'environnements et de fonctions
utilisables partout, v2.0]
2016-03-22 12:49:55 +01:00
2018-08-20 15:59:45 +02:00
2017-03-19 18:05:13 +01:00
2018-08-20 15:59:45 +02:00
% development
2016-08-12 12:41:05 +02:00
2016-09-27 11:55:38 +02:00
2018-10-04 22:32:37 +02:00
2016-08-12 12:41:05 +02:00
2018-08-20 15:59:45 +02:00
% language
2016-08-12 12:41:05 +02:00
2017-05-12 21:24:21 +02:00
\RequirePackage{polyglossia} % => babel
\setdefaultlanguage{french} % => inputenc
\RequirePackage{luatextra} % charge fontspec => fontenc
2018-02-16 15:56:32 +01:00
% \defaultfontfeatures{Ligatures=TeX}
2016-08-12 12:41:05 +02:00
2017-05-12 21:24:21 +02:00
\RequirePackage[francais]{babel} % => polyglossia
\RequirePackage[utf8]{inputenc} % => fontspec
\RequirePackage[T1]{fontenc} % => fontspec
2016-08-12 12:41:05 +02:00
2016-08-11 18:04:08 +02:00
2018-08-20 15:59:45 +02:00
% fonts
2016-03-22 12:49:55 +01:00
2016-08-12 11:48:12 +02:00
2016-03-22 12:49:55 +01:00
2018-09-11 07:52:15 +02:00
2018-11-04 10:15:58 +01:00
2016-08-12 11:48:12 +02:00
2018-08-20 15:59:45 +02:00
% color and graphics
2016-08-13 12:49:10 +02:00
2018-09-11 07:52:15 +02:00
%\RequirePackage[table,xcdraw]{xcolor} % there's a bug when used with some mdframed content
2016-05-10 14:22:19 +02:00
2016-06-12 18:12:47 +02:00
2017-03-02 01:19:30 +01:00
2018-09-11 07:52:15 +02:00
2016-03-22 12:49:55 +01:00
% maths
2018-09-11 07:52:15 +02:00
\RequirePackage{amsmath, amsthm}
2016-03-22 12:49:55 +01:00
2018-12-08 20:25:10 +01:00
\usetikzlibrary{snakes, shadows}
2016-03-22 12:49:55 +01:00
2018-09-11 07:52:15 +02:00
% \RequirePackage{pgffor,pgfmath} % loaded by tikz
2016-03-22 12:49:55 +01:00
2018-09-11 07:52:15 +02:00
2016-03-22 12:49:55 +01:00
2016-05-28 23:16:55 +02:00
2018-09-03 16:08:40 +02:00
2016-03-22 12:49:55 +01:00
2018-09-11 07:52:15 +02:00
% tableaux de signe
%\RequirePackage{tabvar} % replaced by pdftabvar from pdfadd
\input pdftabvar
2018-08-20 15:59:45 +02:00
% tables
2016-03-22 12:49:55 +01:00
2016-05-11 14:58:49 +02:00
2018-12-08 20:25:10 +01:00
2017-02-17 18:27:18 +01:00
2016-03-23 15:24:40 +01:00
2018-08-20 15:59:45 +02:00
% layout
2016-08-16 17:17:16 +02:00
2016-12-14 18:37:20 +01:00
2018-09-11 07:52:15 +02:00
2018-12-08 20:25:10 +01:00
2017-05-12 21:24:21 +02:00
2018-08-20 15:59:45 +02:00
% text
2018-09-11 07:52:15 +02:00
2018-08-19 19:58:59 +02:00
2018-09-03 16:08:40 +02:00
2018-10-04 22:32:37 +02:00
2018-10-16 23:08:37 +02:00
2018-11-04 10:15:58 +01:00
2018-08-20 15:59:45 +02:00
2016-03-22 12:49:55 +01:00
2017-02-17 16:27:44 +01:00
2016-03-22 12:49:55 +01:00
2016-05-12 21:55:28 +02:00
2018-08-20 15:59:45 +02:00
2016-03-22 12:49:55 +01:00
2018-10-04 22:32:37 +02:00
% Set the default monospaced font
2018-12-08 20:25:10 +01:00
% tasks
label-format = {\bfseries}
2018-11-04 10:15:58 +01:00
2018-10-04 22:32:37 +02:00
2018-08-19 19:58:59 +02:00
2018-08-20 15:59:45 +02:00
2018-08-19 19:58:59 +02:00
2018-08-20 15:59:45 +02:00
% Tableau
% Alignment commands of the content in the column with a defined width.
2016-10-01 00:48:12 +02:00
2018-09-25 06:42:35 +02:00
2016-03-22 12:49:55 +01:00
%% lh{largeur} : gauche - haut
%% ch{largeur} : centre - haut
%% rh{largeur} : droite - haut
%% lc{largeur} : gauche - centre
%% cc{largeur} : centre - centre
2016-10-01 00:48:12 +02:00
% \newcolumntype{M}[1]{ >{\centering\arraybackslash} m{#1} }
2016-03-22 12:49:55 +01:00
%% rc{largeur} : droite - centre
%% lb{largeur} : gauche - bas
%% cb{largeur} : centre - bas
%% rb{largeur} : droite - bas
2016-03-23 15:24:40 +01:00
2018-08-20 15:59:45 +02:00
% Item in a tab.
2016-08-29 23:06:06 +02:00
2018-11-04 10:15:58 +01:00
2016-04-07 22:21:19 +02:00
2017-03-19 18:05:13 +01:00
2018-08-19 19:58:59 +02:00
2018-08-20 15:59:45 +02:00
% Texte
2017-05-12 21:24:21 +02:00
2017-03-19 18:05:13 +01:00
% \hcancel[color][size]{text}
2018-08-20 15:59:45 +02:00
% Strike text with a color and a defined thickness.
2016-04-07 22:21:19 +02:00
2017-05-12 21:24:21 +02:00
2016-04-07 22:21:19 +02:00
2016-05-10 21:16:31 +02:00
2017-03-19 18:05:13 +01:00
% \circled{text}
2018-08-20 15:59:45 +02:00
% Circled text.
2017-03-19 18:05:13 +01:00
\node[shape=circle,draw,inner sep=2pt] (char) {#1};
2017-03-29 21:38:03 +02:00
2018-10-04 22:32:37 +02:00
% \kbd{text}
2018-08-20 15:59:45 +02:00
% Boxed text as a keyboard key.
% Why: menukeys and tipfr packages don't really run correctly with beamer.
2018-10-04 22:32:37 +02:00
2017-03-29 21:38:03 +02:00
2018-11-07 23:55:37 +01:00
drop shadow={shadow xshift=0.25ex,
shadow yshift=-0.25ex,
2017-03-29 21:38:03 +02:00
rounded corners=2pt,
inner sep=1pt,
line width=0.5pt,
](key) {#1\strut}
2017-03-19 18:05:13 +01:00
2018-10-04 22:32:37 +02:00
% \getrandomletter[*]{start}{end}
% Choose a letter between start and end in the alphabetical order.
% Produce a uppercased letter when called with a star.
2018-09-11 07:52:15 +02:00
\NewDocumentCommand \getrandomletter { s G{1} G{26} }{%
\IfBooleanTF { #1 }{
\pgfmathrandominteger{\zzz}{#2}{#3}\csname pgffor@Alpha\endcsname{\zzz}
\pgfmathrandominteger{\zzz}{#2}{#3}\csname pgffor@alpha\endcsname{\zzz}
2018-10-04 22:32:37 +02:00
% \@getletter{start}{end}
2018-12-08 20:25:10 +01:00
% Choose a letter between start an end.The letter maybe in uppercase or in lowercase.
2018-09-25 06:42:35 +02:00
\NewDocumentCommand \@getletter{ G{1} G{26} }{
2018-11-07 23:55:37 +01:00
\pgfmathparse{\random >= 0.5 ?
"\noexpand\getrandomletter{#1}{#2}" :
2018-09-11 07:52:15 +02:00
2018-10-04 22:32:37 +02:00
\NewDocumentEnvironment{fminipage}{m O{\fboxsep}}
2018-11-04 10:15:58 +01:00
2018-10-04 22:32:37 +02:00
2018-11-07 23:55:37 +01:00
2018-11-04 10:15:58 +01:00
2018-10-04 22:32:37 +02:00
2018-09-11 07:52:15 +02:00
2018-12-08 20:25:10 +01:00
\newcommand\bcexemple{\centering \normalsize \faPaperclip}
\newcommand\bcremarque{\centering \normalsize \faExclamationTriangle}
\newcommand\bclivre{\centering \normalsize \faBook}
2018-11-04 10:15:58 +01:00
2018-09-11 07:52:15 +02:00
2018-09-03 16:08:40 +02:00
2018-10-04 22:32:37 +02:00
2018-10-16 23:08:37 +02:00
2018-09-03 16:08:40 +02:00
\DeclareCaptionFormat{source}{\textbf{\textit{source#2}} #3}
2018-08-20 15:59:45 +02:00
% \NewDocumentCommand \hcancel { O{black} O{1pt} } {
% \setbox0=\hbox{$#3$}%
% \rlap{\raisebox{.45\ht0}{\textcolor{#1}{\rule{\wd0}{#2}}}} {#3}
% }
% \NewDocumentCommand \solution { s O{solution} g } {
% \IfBooleanTF {#1}
% {
% \setboolean{display}{true}
% }
% {}
% \begin{#2}
2018-09-11 07:52:15 +02:00
% \end{#2}
2018-08-20 15:59:45 +02:00
% }
%% \underdash[color]{text}
%\newcommand\underdash[1][black]{% <- règle la couleur du texte
% \bgroup
% \ifdim\ULdepth=\maxdimen\settodepth\ULdepth{(j}\advance\ULdepth.4pt\fi
% \markoverwith{\kern0.2em% <- règle l'espacement avant un pointillé
% \vtop{
% \kern0.5ex% <- règle l'altitude des pointillés
% {\color{black}% <- règle la couleur des pointillés
% \hrule width.4em% <- règle la largeur des pointillés
% }
% }
% \kern0.2em% <- règle l'espacement après un pointillé
% }
% \color{#1}\ULon
2018-11-04 10:15:58 +01:00
2018-08-20 15:59:45 +02:00
2018-10-16 23:08:37 +02:00
2018-08-20 15:59:45 +02:00
2017-03-19 18:05:13 +01:00
2017-03-18 21:34:36 +01:00
\newfontfamily\Annie[Ligatures=TeX]{Annie Use Your Telescope}
\newfontfamily\Architects[Ligatures=TeX]{Architects Daughter}
2017-03-19 16:21:14 +01:00
2017-05-12 21:24:21 +02:00
\newfontfamily\ChelseaMarket[Ligatures=TeX]{Chelsea Market}
2017-03-19 16:21:14 +01:00
\newfontfamily\Comic[Ligatures=TeX]{Comic Sans MS}
2018-10-20 08:56:57 +02:00
\newfontfamily\DejaVuSans[Ligatures=TeX]{DejaVu Sans}
2017-03-18 21:34:36 +01:00
\newfontfamily\DeliusSC[Ligatures=TeX]{Delius Swash Caps}
2017-03-19 16:21:14 +01:00
\newfontfamily\FingerPaint[Ligatures=TeX]{Finger Paint}
2018-09-03 16:08:40 +02:00
2017-03-18 21:34:36 +01:00
\newfontfamily\NixieOne[Ligatures=TeX]{Nixie One}
2017-03-19 16:21:14 +01:00
2017-03-01 18:43:39 +01:00
\newfontfamily\PokemonHollow[Ligatures=TeX]{Pokemon Hollow}
\newfontfamily\PokemonSolid[Ligatures=TeX]{Pokemon Solid}
2017-03-01 18:42:14 +01:00
\newfontfamily\ScratchedLetters[Ligatures=TeX]{Scratched Letters}
2018-08-19 19:58:59 +02:00
% \newfontfamily\TrebuchetMS[Ligatures=TeX]{Trebuchet MS}
2018-08-20 15:59:45 +02:00
% Intent for a more general command.
2016-08-16 17:17:16 +02:00
% \NewDocumentCommand \setFont { O{\familydefault} O{\encodingdefault} }{%
% \fontencoding{#2}%
% \fontfamily{#1}%
% \selectfont
% }
2018-08-20 15:59:45 +02:00
2017-01-03 23:55:55 +01:00
2018-11-04 10:15:58 +01:00
2017-01-04 19:34:35 +01:00
2018-08-20 15:59:45 +02:00
2018-10-16 23:08:37 +02:00
2018-08-20 15:59:45 +02:00
2017-03-19 16:21:14 +01:00
% \newColorCommand{color}
% Create a macro which can be accessed with the name "\color".
% This macro make the following text to be colored in color.
\expandafter\newcommand\csname #1\endcsname{\color{#1}}}
2018-08-20 15:59:45 +02:00
% Create some color commands
2017-03-19 16:21:14 +01:00
2018-09-03 16:08:40 +02:00
2017-03-19 16:21:14 +01:00
2017-03-29 17:53:10 +02:00
2018-09-03 16:08:40 +02:00
2018-11-04 10:15:58 +01:00
2018-09-03 16:08:40 +02:00
2018-10-16 23:08:37 +02:00
2018-09-03 16:08:40 +02:00
{\kern\dimen1 #3\kern\dimen1}}
2018-11-04 10:15:58 +01:00
2016-03-22 12:49:55 +01:00
2018-12-08 20:25:10 +01:00
% %
% %
% %
% %
2018-10-16 23:08:37 +02:00
2018-12-08 20:25:10 +01:00
% \NewDocumentCommand \fig { O{1} m }{
% \IfFileExists{#2}{
% \begin{center}
% \includegraphics[scale=#1]{images/#2}
% \end{center}
% }{
% \begin{center}
% \textbf{Fichier {\normalfont\slshape #2} non trouvé !}
% \end{center}
% }
% }
2018-11-04 10:15:58 +01:00
2018-10-16 23:08:37 +02:00
2016-03-22 12:49:55 +01:00