diff --git a/commun/commun.sty b/commun/commun.sty index 3039338..40712bc 100644 --- a/commun/commun.sty +++ b/commun/commun.sty @@ -17,10 +17,13 @@ utilisables partout, v2.0] +% +% +% PACKAGES +% +% - -%-- PACKAGES CALLS -% programmation +% development \RequirePackage{xifthen} \RequirePackage{ifmtarg} \RequirePackage{ifpdf} @@ -31,7 +34,7 @@ \RequirePackage{ifluatex} \RequirePackage{import} -% langue +% language \ifluatex \RequirePackage{polyglossia} % => babel \setdefaultlanguage{french} % => inputenc @@ -43,14 +46,14 @@ \RequirePackage[T1]{fontenc} % => fontspec \fi -% polices +% fonts \RequirePackage{libertine} \RequirePackage{pifont} \RequirePackage{fontawesome} \RequirePackage{eurosym} %\RequirePackage{bbding} -% couleur, dessin +% color and graphics \ifluatex \RequirePackage{luacolor} \fi @@ -72,38 +75,46 @@ \RequirePackage{mathrsfs} \RequirePackage{tabvar} -% tableau +% tables \RequirePackage{array} \RequirePackage{tabularx} \RequirePackage{multicol} \RequirePackage{boldline} -% mise en page +% layout \RequirePackage{varwidth} \RequirePackage{adjustbox} -% texte +% text \RequirePackage[dash,phantomtext]{dashundergaps} \RequirePackage{comment} -%----------------- + + \makeatletter +% +% +% SETTINGS +% +% -%-- SETTINGS \newboolean{display} \ifthenelse{\boolean{display}}{\includecomment{solution}}{\excludecomment{solution}} -%----------- +% +% +% MACROS +% +% -% -- NEW COMMANDS +% Tableau +% Alignment commands of the content in the column with a defined width. -%%% TABLEAU %%% -% Commandes d'alignement du contenu dans la colonne de largeur . \newcolumntype{L}[1]{>{\raggedright\let\newline\\\arraybackslash\hspace{0pt}}m{#1}} \newcolumntype{C}[1]{>{\centering\let\newline\\\arraybackslash\hspace{0pt}}m{#1}} \newcolumntype{R}[1]{>{\raggedleft\let\newline\\\arraybackslash\hspace{0pt}}m{#1}} @@ -126,12 +137,56 @@ %% rb{largeur} : droite - bas %\newcolumntype{rb}[1]{>{\raggedleft}b{#1}} -% Item dans tableau +% Item in a tab. \newcommand{\tabitem}{~~\llap{\textbullet}~~} -%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% -%%% TEXTE %%% + +% +% +% Texte +% +% + +% \hcancel[color][size]{text} +% Strike text with a color and a defined thickness. +\newcommand\hcancel[2][black]{ + \setbox0=\hbox{$#2$}% + \rlap{\raisebox{.45\ht0}{\textcolor{#1}{\rule{\wd0}{1pt}}}}#2 +} + +% \circled{text} +% Circled text. +\newcommand*\circled[1]{ + \tikz[baseline=(char.base)]{ + \node[shape=circle,draw,inner sep=2pt] (char) {#1}; + } +} + +% \keystroke{text} +% Boxed text as a keyboard key. +% Why: menukeys and tipfr packages don't really run correctly with beamer. +\newcommand*\keystroke[1]{% + \tikz[baseline=(key.base)] + \node[% + draw, + fill=white, + drop shadow={shadow xshift=0.25ex,shadow yshift=-0.25ex,fill=black,opacity=0.75}, + rectangle, + rounded corners=2pt, + inner sep=1pt, + line width=0.5pt, + font=\scriptsize\sffamily + ](key) {#1\strut} + ; +} + +%--------------------------------------------- +% \NewDocumentCommand \hcancel { O{black} O{1pt} } { +% \setbox0=\hbox{$#3$}% +% \rlap{\raisebox{.45\ht0}{\textcolor{#1}{\rule{\wd0}{#2}}}} {#3} +% } + % \NewDocumentCommand \solution { s O{solution} g } { % \IfBooleanTF {#1} % { @@ -157,47 +212,16 @@ % } % \color{#1}\ULon %} - -% \hcancel[color][size]{text} -% Barrer du texte avec la couleur color et l'épaisseur size. -\newcommand\hcancel[2][black]{ - \setbox0=\hbox{$#2$}% - \rlap{\raisebox{.45\ht0}{\textcolor{#1}{\rule{\wd0}{1pt}}}}#2 -} -% \NewDocumentCommand \hcancel { O{black} O{1pt} } { -% \setbox0=\hbox{$#3$}% -% \rlap{\raisebox{.45\ht0}{\textcolor{#1}{\rule{\wd0}{#2}}}} {#3} -% } - -% \circled{text} -% TextE encerclé -\newcommand*\circled[1]{ - \tikz[baseline=(char.base)]{ - \node[shape=circle,draw,inner sep=2pt] (char) {#1}; - } -} - -% \keystroke{text} -% Texte encadré comme si c'était une touche de clavier. -% Cause: les packages menukeys et tipfr ne fonctionnent pas correctement avec beamer. -\newcommand*\keystroke[1]{% - \tikz[baseline=(key.base)] - \node[% - draw, - fill=white, - drop shadow={shadow xshift=0.25ex,shadow yshift=-0.25ex,fill=black,opacity=0.75}, - rectangle, - rounded corners=2pt, - inner sep=1pt, - line width=0.5pt, - font=\scriptsize\sffamily - ](key) {#1\strut} - ; -} -%%%%%%%%%%%%% +%--------------------------------------------- -%%% POLICES %%% + +% +% +% Fonts +% +% + \newfontfamily\Annie[Ligatures=TeX]{Annie Use Your Telescope} \newfontfamily\Architects[Ligatures=TeX]{Architects Daughter} \newfontfamily\Bristol[Ligatures=TeX]{Bristol} @@ -214,37 +238,34 @@ \newfontfamily\PokemonSolid[Ligatures=TeX]{Pokemon Solid} \newfontfamily\ScratchedLetters[Ligatures=TeX]{Scratched Letters} % \newfontfamily\TrebuchetMS[Ligatures=TeX]{Trebuchet MS} -% tentative pour une commande généraliste + +%-------------------------------------------------------- +% Intent for a more general command. % \NewDocumentCommand \setFont { O{\familydefault} O{\encodingdefault} }{% % \fontencoding{#2}% % \fontfamily{#1}% % \selectfont % } -%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +%-------------------------------------------------------- -%%% COULEURS %%% + +% +% +% Colors +% +% + % \newColorCommand{color} % Create a macro which can be accessed with the name "\color". % This macro make the following text to be colored in color. \newcommand\newColorCommand[1]{% \expandafter\newcommand\csname #1\endcsname{\color{#1}}} -% Create new color commands +% Create some color commands \newColorCommand{red} \newColorCommand{white} \newColorCommand{gray} -%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% - -%--------------- - - - - -%-- MODIFIED COMMANDS - -%-------------------- -