diff --git a/jl-cours/jl-cours.cls b/jl-cours/jl-cours.cls index 7e42d3e..4f57ead 100644 --- a/jl-cours/jl-cours.cls +++ b/jl-cours/jl-cours.cls @@ -127,12 +127,12 @@ \IfNoValueTF{ \subtitle }{ % \cohead[\@title]{\@title} % \rohead[Activité]{Activité} - \cohead[]{\@title} + % \cohead[]{\@title} \rohead*[]{Activité} }{ % \cohead[\@title]{\@title} % \rohead[Activité]{Activité - \@subtitle} - \cohead[]{\@title} + % \cohead[]{\@title} \rohead*[]{Activité - \@subtitle} } }{ @@ -140,23 +140,23 @@ % \cohead[\@title]{\@title} % \rohead[Exercices]{Exercices} \IfNoValueTF{ \subtitle }{ - \cohead[]{\@title} + % \cohead[]{\@title} \rohead*[]{Exercices} }{ - \cohead[]{\@title} + % \cohead[]{\@title} \rohead*[]{Exercices - \@subtitle} } }{ \ifthenelse{ \equal{\type}{q} }{ % \cohead[\@title]{\@title} % \rohead[Rappels]{Rappels - \@subtitle} - \cohead*[]{\@title} + % \cohead*[]{\@title} \rohead*[]{Rappels - \@subtitle} }{ \ifthenelse{ \equal{\type}{n} }{ % \cohead[\@title]{\@title} % \rohead[Rappels]{Rappels - \@subtitle} - \cohead*[]{\@title} + % \cohead*[]{\@title} \rohead*[]{} }{ \rohead*[Cours]{Cours - \@subtitle} @@ -165,14 +165,15 @@ } } +% define the page numbering style \pagenumbering{arabic} -%\ofoot*{\pagemark}% pagenumber in the outer footer with scrheadings and plain style -%\ohead[]{\headmark}% headmark only with scrheadings +% clear the defauls page header and footer, so the standard page numbering +% \clearpairofpagestyles +% set my own numbering form for the footer \cofoot[\thepage\ /\ \pageref{LastPage}]{\thepage\ /\ \pageref{LastPage}} \cefoot[\thepage\ /\ \pageref{LastPage}]{\thepage\ /\ \pageref{LastPage}} -%\clearpairofpagestyles% removes the default page header and footer entries \pagestyle{scrheadings} \setkomafont{pagehead}{\normalfont\bfseries} \setkomafont{pagefoot}{\normalfont}