%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % % MDTHEOREM % % %% New theorem declarations and redirection of all standard previously defined %% environments to their starred version as they don't display numbering. %% % definition \mdtheorem[style=pencil, theoremseparator={}, theoremspace={}, roundcorner=6pt]{@def1}{\Jd Définition} \mdtheorem[style=nologo, theoremseparator={}, theoremspace={}, roundcorner=6pt]{@def2}{\Jd Définition} \RenewDocumentEnvironment{@def1}{ o } {%begin \IfNoValueTF {#1} { \begin{@def1*} }{ \begin{@def1*}[\hfill{\normalfont\slshape#1}] } }{%end \end{@def1*} } \RenewDocumentEnvironment{@def2}{ o } {%begin \IfNoValueTF {#1} { \begin{@def2*} }{ \begin{@def2*}[\hfill{\normalfont\slshape#1}] } }{%end \end{@def2*} } % theoreme \mdtheorem[style=pencil, theoremseparator={}, theoremspace={}, roundcorner=6pt, outerlinewidth=1pt, outerlinecolor=black]{@thm1}{\Jd Théorème} \mdtheorem[style=nologo, theoremseparator={}, theoremspace={}, roundcorner=6pt, outerlinewidth=1pt, outerlinecolor=black]{@thm2}{\Jd Théorème} \RenewDocumentEnvironment{@thm1}{ o } {%begin \IfNoValueTF {#1} { \begin{@thm1*} }{ \begin{@thm1*}[\hfill{\normalfont\slshape#1}] } }{%end \end{@thm1*} } \RenewDocumentEnvironment{@thm2}{ o } {%begin \IfNoValueTF {#1} { \begin{@thm2*} }{ \begin{@thm2*}[\hfill{\normalfont\slshape#1}] } }{%end \end{@thm2*} } % coroallaire \mdtheorem[style=pencil, theoremseparator={}, theoremspace={}, roundcorner=6pt, outerlinewidth=1pt, outerlinecolor=black]{@coro1}{\Jd Corollaire} \mdtheorem[style=nologo, theoremseparator={}, theoremspace={}, roundcorner=6pt, outerlinewidth=1pt, outerlinecolor=black]{@coro2}{\Jd Corollaire} \RenewDocumentEnvironment{@coro1}{ o } {%begin \IfNoValueTF {#1} { \begin{@coro1*} }{ \begin{@coro1*}[\hfill{\normalfont\slshape#1}] } }{%end \end{@coro1*} } \RenewDocumentEnvironment{@coro2}{ o } {%begin \IfNoValueTF {#1} { \begin{@coro2*} }{ \begin{@coro2*}[\hfill{\normalfont\slshape#1}] } }{%end \end{@coro2*} } % propriete \mdtheorem[style=pencil, theoremseparator={}, theoremspace={}, outerlinewidth=1pt, outerlinecolor=black]{@ppt1}{\Jd Propriété} \mdtheorem[style=nologo, theoremseparator={}, theoremspace={}, outerlinewidth=1pt, outerlinecolor=black]{@ppt2}{\Jd Propriété} \RenewDocumentEnvironment{@ppt1}{ o } {%begin \IfNoValueTF {#1} { \begin{@ppt1*} }{ \begin{@ppt1*}[\hfill{\normalfont\slshape#1}] } }{%end \end{@ppt1*} } \RenewDocumentEnvironment{@ppt2}{ o } {%begin \IfNoValueTF {#1} { \begin{@ppt2*} }{ \begin{@ppt2*}[\hfill{\normalfont\slshape#1}] } }{%end \end{@ppt2*} } % demonstration \mdtheorem[style=pencil, theoremseparator={}, theoremspace={}]{@dem1}{\Jd Démonstration} \mdtheorem[style=nologo, theoremseparator={}, theoremspace={}]{@dem2}{\Jd Démonstration} \RenewDocumentEnvironment{@dem1}{ o } {%begin \IfNoValueTF {#1} { \begin{@dem1*} }{ \begin{@dem1*}[\hfill{\normalfont\slshape#1}] } }{%end \end{@dem1*} } \RenewDocumentEnvironment{@dem2}{ o } {%begin \IfNoValueTF {#1} { \begin{@dem2*} }{ \begin{@dem2*}[\hfill{\normalfont\slshape#1}] } }{%end \end{@dem2*} } % consequence \mdtheorem[style=nologo, theoremseparator={}, theoremspace={}, outerlinewidth=1pt, outerlinecolor=black]{@csq1}{\Jd Conséquence(s)} \mdtheorem[style=nologo, theoremseparator={}, theoremspace={}, outerlinewidth=1pt, outerlinecolor=black]{@csq2}{} \RenewDocumentEnvironment{@csq1}{ o } {%begin \IfNoValueTF {#1} { \begin{@csq1*} }{ \begin{@csq1*}[\hfill{\normalfont\slshape#1}] } }{%end \end{@csq1*} } \RenewDocumentEnvironment{@csq2}{ o } {%begin \IfNoValueTF {#1} { \begin{@csq2*} }{ \begin{@csq2*}[\hfill{\normalfont\slshape#1}] } }{%end \end{@csq2*} } % vocabulaire \mdtheorem[style=noborder, theoremseparator={}, theoremspace={}]{@voc1}{\Jd Vocabulaire} \mdtheorem[style=nologo, theoremseparator={}, theoremspace={}]{@voc2}{\Jd Vocabulaire} \RenewDocumentEnvironment{@voc1}{ o } {%begin \IfNoValueTF {#1} { \begin{@voc1*} }{ \begin{@voc1*}[\hfill{\normalfont\slshape#1}] } }{%end \end{@voc1*} } \RenewDocumentEnvironment{@voc2}{ o } {%begin \IfNoValueTF {#1} { \begin{@voc2*} }{ \begin{@voc2*}[\hfill{\normalfont\slshape#1}] } }{%end \end{@voc2*} } % commentaire \mdtheorem[style=comment, frametitle=none, frametitleaboveskip=0em, frametitlebelowskip=0em]{@com}{} \RenewDocumentEnvironment{@com}{ o } {%begin \IfNoValueTF {#1} { \begin{@com*} }{ \begin{@com*}[#1] } }{%end \end{@com*} } % remarque \mdtheorem[style=warning, theoremseparator={ -}, theoremspace={}]{@rmq1}{\Jd Remarque(s)} \mdtheorem[style=warning, theoremseparator={}, theoremspace={}]{@rmq2}{} \RenewDocumentEnvironment{@rmq1}{ o } {%begin \IfNoValueTF {#1} { \begin{@rmq1*} }{ \begin{@rmq1*}[#1] } }{%end \end{@rmq1*} } \RenewDocumentEnvironment{@rmq2}{ o } {%begin \IfNoValueTF {#1} { \begin{@rmq2*} }{ \begin{@rmq2*}[#1] } }{%end \end{@rmq2*} } % exemple \mdtheorem[style=eye, theoremseparator={ -}, theoremspace={}]{@exe1}{\Jd Exemple(s)} \mdtheorem[style=eye, theoremseparator={}, theoremspace={}]{@exe2}{} \RenewDocumentEnvironment{@exe1}{ o } {%begin \IfNoValueTF {#1} { \begin{@exe1*} }{ \begin{@exe1*}[#1] } }{%end \end{@exe1*} } \RenewDocumentEnvironment{@exe2}{ o } {%begin \IfNoValueTF {#1} { \begin{@exe2*} }{ \begin{@exe2*}[#1] } }{%end \end{@exe2*} } % application \mdtheorem[style=cogs, theoremseparator={}, theoremspace={}]{@app1}{\Jd Application} \mdtheorem[style=cogs, theoremseparator={}, theoremspace={}]{@app2}{} \RenewDocumentEnvironment{@app1}{ o } {%begin \IfNoValueTF {#1} { \begin{@app1*} }{ \begin{@app1*}[\hfill{\normalfont\slshape#1}] } }{%end \end{@app1*} } \RenewDocumentEnvironment{@app2}{ o } {%begin \IfNoValueTF {#1} { \begin{@app2*} }{ \begin{@app2*}[\hfill{\normalfont\slshape#1}] } }{%end \end{@app2*} } % methode \mdtheorem[style=bookmark, theoremseparator={ -}, theoremspace={}]{@met1}{\Jd Méthode} \mdtheorem[style=noborder, theoremseparator={}, theoremspace={}]{@met2}{} \RenewDocumentEnvironment{@met1}{ o } {%begin \IfNoValueTF {#1} { \begin{@met1*} }{ \begin{@met1*}[#1] } }{%end \end{@met1*} } \RenewDocumentEnvironment{@met2}{ o } {%begin \IfNoValueTF {#1} { \begin{@met2*} }{ \begin{@met2*}[#1] } }{%end \end{@met2*} } % Need to adapt the code in order to get numbering and % framing %% application %\newtheoremstyle{@app1} % {\topsep}% espace avant % {\topsep}% espace apres % {}% Police utilisee par le style de thm % {}% Indentation (vide = aucune, \parindent = indentation paragraphe) % {\bfseries}% Police du titre de thm % {}% Signe de ponctuation apres le titre du thm % {\newline}% Espace apres le titre du thm (\newline = linebreak) % {\thmname{#1}\thmnumber{ #2}\thmnote{ - \normalfont{\textit{#3}}}} % % composants du titre du thm : \thmname = nom, \thmnumber = numéro, \thmnote = sous-titre % %\theoremstyle{@app1} %\newtheorem{application1}{\Jd Application} % %% application %\newtheoremstyle{@app2} %{\topsep}% espace avant %{\topsep}% espace apres %{}% Police utilisee par le style de thm %{}% Indentation (vide = aucune, \parindent = indentation paragraphe) %{\bfseries}% Police du titre de thm %{}% Signe de ponctuation apres le titre du thm %{\newline}% Espace apres le titre du thm (\newline = linebreak) %{\thmname{#1}\thmnote{ - \normalfont{\textit{#2}}}} %% composants du titre du thm : \thmname = nom, \thmnumber = numéro, \thmnote = sous-titre % %\theoremstyle{@app2} %\newtheorem*{application2}{\Jd Application} % %\counterwithin*{application1}{section} % exercice \newtheoremstyle{@exo1} {\topsep}% espace avant {\topsep}% espace apres {}% Police utilisee par le style de thm {}% Indentation (vide = aucune, \parindent = indentation paragraphe) {\bfseries}% Police du titre de thm {}% Signe de ponctuation apres le titre du thm {\newline}% Espace apres le titre du thm (\newline = linebreak) {\thmname{#1}\thmnumber{ #2}\thmnote{ - \normalfont{\textit{#3}}}} % composants du titre du thm : \thmname = nom, \thmnumber = numéro, \thmnote = sous-titre \theoremstyle{@exo1} \newtheorem{exercice1}{\Jd Exercice} % exercice \newtheoremstyle{@exo2} {\topsep}% espace avant {\topsep}% espace apres {}% Police utilisee par le style de thm {}% Indentation (vide = aucune, \parindent = indentation paragraphe) {\bfseries}% Police du titre de thm {}% Signe de ponctuation apres le titre du thm {\newline}% Espace apres le titre du thm (\newline = linebreak) {\thmname{#1}\thmnote{ - \normalfont{\textit{#2}}}} % composants du titre du thm : \thmname = nom, \thmnumber = numéro, \thmnote = sous-titre \theoremstyle{@exo2} \newtheorem*{exercice2}{\Jd Exercice} \counterwithin*{exercice1}{section} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%